The oil industry associations IPIECA and IOGP have jointly produced a comprehensive set of resources covering oil spill preparedness and response.
The main IPIECA and IOGP publications are 'Good Practice Guidelines (GPGs)', with more detailed Technical Reports for some specific subject areas. There are also high-level Glance / Scan materials available as PowerPoint or video files.
All these resources are available to download or view below. The Good Practice Guidelines are shown in BOLD and marked "GPG"
Oil spill preparedness and response: an introduction GPG
Response strategy development using Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) GPG
Guidelines on implementing Spill Impact Mitigation Assessment (SIMA) - joint publication with API
Tiered preparedness and response GPG
Contingency planning for oil spills on water GPG
Oil spill surveillance planning guidance
Oil spill risk assessment and response planning for offshore installations
Guidelines on oil characterization to inform spill planning and decision making
Recommended practice for Common Operating Picture architecture for oil spill response
Sensitivity mapping for oil spill response - GPG joint publication with IMO
Incident management system for the oil and gas industry GPG
Oil spill responder health and safety GPG
Mutual aid indemnification and liability including a template emergency personnel secondment agreement
Aerial observation of oil spills at sea GPG
Satellite remote sensing for oil spills at sea GPG
In-water surveillance of oil spills at sea GPG
Containment and burning
At-sea containment and recovery GPG
The use of decanting during offshore oil spill recovery operations
Controlled in-situ burning of oil spills GPG
Guidelines for the selection of in-situ burning equipment
Dispersants: surface application GPG
Dispersants: subsea application GPG
At-sea monitoring of surface dispersant effectiveness
Dispersant logistics and supply planning
Regulatory approval of dispersant products and authorization for their use
Dispersant storage, maintenance, transport and testing
A guide to shoreline clean-up techniques GPG
A guide to oiled shoreline assessment (SCAT) surveys GPG
Shoreline response programme guidance
Oil spill waste minimization and management GPG
Oil spills: inland response GPG
Wildlife response preparedness GPG
Key principles for the protection, care and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife
Economic assessment and compensation for marine oil releases GPG
Impacts of oil spills on marine ecology GPG
Impacts of oil spills on shorelines GPG
Oil spill monitoring and sampling GPG
Glance / scan:
Oil spill preparedness and response: introductory presentation